Short Story

replace 6-year old schoolhouse roof fallen to disrepair




New Thatching for Schoolhouse Roof

bySara Roliz

  • $2,240.00

    Funding Goal
  • $2,240.00

    Funds Raised
  • 200

    Kids Impacted
Raised Percent :
This project has been funded.
Contributors: Anonymous Rochelle Anonymous Barbara Jocelyn Jessica Jeanne Pamala Ha Jon Lucille Anonymous Enrique Shannon Sarah Jarie

Sara Roliz

46 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

About the campaign creator

Sara Roliz
46 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Requested Item Item Cost # of Items Total
Thatch Sheet $0.20 10,000 $2000
*Project Support (Mira) 12%   $240
Project Total, including project support     $2240

*Donation includes: (a) secured credit card processing via PayPal and (b) administration and technology to ensure this project reaches goal

About this Project:

From our partner school —

Seametrey Children’s Village school has been closed since March 2020 due to Covid-19.  Other schools have reopened.  Ours cannot because the school has suffered heavy damage during those 21 months of inactivity, inadequate maintenance, weather conditions, and lack of funds.  Last year, there was a bad flood that left the classrooms in knee deep water for several months.  We are planning to reopen July 2022, Covid permitting.  The pressing task now is to repair the roofs.

The tin roofs leak in places, and the thatch that covered the tin sheets to protect it and act as insulation has done its time.  It lasted six years.  It’s time to replace the thatch: for aesthetics, for insulation from the scorching heat in the dry season, thus allowing children to work in bearable conditions.

Our $2000 goal is the equivalent of 5 months of electricity bills for air-conditioning alone. The thatched roof will last up to six years.

Donations of all sizes are warmly welcomed.


About This Organization: 
Per Seametrey – “Seametrey’s founder, Muoy You, was born into a very poor family. In 1975, the Khmer Rouge came to power, and Cambodia went to hell. Approximately 2 million people died from execution, starvation, diseases or land mines, among them Muoy’s own parents and siblings.

Muoy was lucky enough to be in France at that time, on scholarship from the French government. Her late husband and she lived in exile for 31 years.  All that time they looked for an opportunity to come back to help rebuild the educational system.  In 1998, Muoy founded Seametrey, a Khmer acronym for Freedom, Civilization and Love, in Cambodia’s urban capital.  By September 2007 it had a burgeoning primary section & an English language section for youth. In 2014, the school moved to a remote primarily farming area about 45 minutes outside of the city.  As ever, the school’s policy is social integration. Parents pay according to their income. Some parents pay full fees, some pay 50%, others pay what they can, in cash, in-kind or in service. The school has now 300 students.

Seametrey’s mission is to build human excellence to lift Cambodia out of corruption. Its goal is to make quality education accessible to the less fortunate. It works for a profound, structural change in Cambodia.”